Sunday, January 1, 2017

The greatness of an idea is irrelevant if you don't put in the hours needed to see it to fruition - Seth Berkun

All too often, we talk about how great an idea it, promote it to other people, declare what a game changer it is and then completely fail to implement it.  We fail to implement it either by failing to do any work to bring it about, or doing just enough work to get it started.  Sometimes we will even do enough work to get things started and get things going for the first few miles and then just slack off.  The Bible speaks of this when it tells us to "not grow weary in well doing".  If we are going to do something great for God, we need to put in the time and effort to see the thing accomplished.  We just can't depend on God to bless our mess.  We must do the work needed and allow His anointing to cover it so that it will accomplish much more than what we could ever imagine.